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Drupal 8 Themings

Why Create Subtheme in drupal 8 ,

If you directly change on main theme and update the new version then all the changes would be lost.

YAML file structure

1 - Tabs are NOT allowed. Use spaces ONLY.
2 - Properties and lists MUST be indented by two (2) spaces

let theme name is fullfillness

What are the files needed to create a theme

1 - .info.yml
2 - .libraries.yml
3 - .breakpoints.yml
4 - .theme

 - create 

 - if theme has space then, replace the underscore with space in file name and folder name
 - minimum required properties (name, type, and core)
 key value pair in the info.yml file

libraries (optional)

A list of libraries (which can contain both CSS and JavaScript assets) to add to all pages where the theme is active. Read more about themes and asset libraries.
  - fluffiness/global-styling

libraries-override (optional)

A collection of libraries and assets to override. Read more at Overriding and extending libraries.
        /core/themes/stable/css/contextual/contextual.module.css: false

libraries-extend (optional)

A collection of libraries and assets to add whenever a library is attached. Read more at Overriding and extending libraries.
    - classy/user1
    - classy/user2

hidden (optional)

Indicates whether or not to hide the theme from the "Appearance" page so that it cannot be enabled/disabled via the UI.
hidden: true

regions (optional)

A list of theme regions. (Note that region keys are not preceded by a dash.) A content region is required. Read more about adding regions to a theme.
  header: Header
  content: Content
  sidebar_first: 'First sidebar'

regions_hidden (optional)

A list of inherited regions to remove.
  - sidebar_last

Adding stylesheets (CSS) and JavaScript (JS) to a Drupal 8 theme : 

1 - By adding libraries , ( create the fluffiness.libraries.yml ) and add the css/js
  version: 1.x
      css/cuddly-slider.css: {}
    js/cuddly-slider.js: {}

Attaching a library via a Twig template : 

{{ attach_library('fluffiness/cuddly-slider') }}

In Drupal 8 drupal_add_css(), drupal_add_js() and drupal_add_library() were removed in favor of #attached

Attaching a library to a subset of pages : 

Implement the preprocess function to attach the library
function fluffiness_preprocess_maintenance_page(&$variables) {
  $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'fluffiness/cuddly-slider';

fullfillness.Breakpoint.yml : 

Breakpoints are really just media queries with some additional metadata, such as name and multiplier information.

label - A human readable label for the breakpoint.
mediaQuery - Media query text proper, e.g. 'all and (min-width: 851px)'.
weight - Positional weight (order) for the breakpoint.
multipliers - Supported pixel resolution multipliers.
  label: mobile
  mediaQuery: ''
  weight: 0
    - 1x


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