NOTE : it’s extremely important that your development environment is using the same version of PHP that the target production environment will use. Otherwise Composer may download packages that won’t work in production.
(With larger development teams, using something like Vagrant or Docker for local development can help ensure compatibility between local development instances and the production stack
How do I download modules and themes:
1 - composer require drupal/develit would download the module to web/modules/contrib. If you want to change the download destination, you can alter the paths in your composer.json.
Development Dependencies:
composer require --dev drupal/develFor example, since the Devel module shouldn’t be used in a production environment, you may only want it to get downloaded on development environments. With Composer, you can achieve this by passing the --dev flag to the composer require command.
This will ensure that the Devel module is available for your developers when they run composer install in our system, but that it won’t ship with your production release (which should get built using composer install --no-dev ). This is just an example, and your project needs may differ, but the use of --dev to specify dependencies only needed during development is a recommended best practice.
What do I commit?
You may have noticed that after running some of the above composer commands, Composer created a composer.lock file in your repository. The composer.lock file is a very important file that you want to commit to your repository anytime it changes.When you require a new package, you may have omitted a version or a version constraint, but Composer downloaded a specific version. That exact version is recorded in the composer.lock file, and by committing it to your repository, you then ensure that anytime composer install is run on any other environment, the same exact code gets downloaded. That is very important from a project stability standpoint.
List of files commit and what not to commit:
- Commit
anytime they change. - There’s no need to commit anything in
- ./vendor ,
- Drupal core (./web/core),
- contributed modules and themes (./web/modules/contrib or ./web/themes/contrib), not recommended we can ignore it if only all the modules & themes is managed by composer and I will install it on another environment with composer install,
specific PHP version for Composer to adhere to in composer.json
composer config platform.php 7.1
Once added, don’t forget to update your lock file and
commit the resulting composer.json and composer.lock .
composer update --lock
Some Usefull composer commands :
composer update --with-dependencies drupal/devel
composer update --with-dependencies drupal/foo drupal/bar
composer update --with-dependencies drupal/*
composer remove drupal/devel
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