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Component-Based Theming in Drupal 8

About Pattern Lab : The PHP version of Pattern Lab is, at its core, a static site generator. 

To use the basic features of Pattern Lab, you must have PHP 5.3+ installed

Componentization has become a growing consideration in most of the web application development firms. The reasons are obvious, instead of reinventing the wheels again and again, why don’t we re-use them.

Why should you follow component driven front-end development approach?
  • Allows for re-use of Components
  • A component-based UI approach accelerates the development
  • You can completely decouple the front-end development
  • Testing becomes easier
  • Parallelize development
  • Flexible project workflow
How to use component driven front-end development approach In Drupal?
One of the most popular tools for component driven front-end development is Pattern Lab. What makes Pattern Lab so famous is its flexibility in pairing up with the Atomic Design methodology. Addition of twig templating system in Drupal makes it easier for us to integrate Pattern Lab with Drupal. Although many starter kits for Pattern Lab with Drupal 8 are available, I personally find Emulsify the most useful one. Emulsify is a starter kit for Pattern Lab based theming created by Fourkitchens.

We can integrate the patternlab with emulsify & gesso themes

How To install & configure with drupal:

Steps to install the d8 site with composer & install pattern lab with emulsify:

1 - composer create-project drupal/recommended-project drupal8-pattern --no-interaction
2 - Add the permission /sites/default/files -- 775

After install the drupal from browser:

1-Require emulsify in your project composer require fourkitchens/emulsify
2-Move into the original emulsify theme cd web/themes/contrib/emulsify/
3 -Create your new theme by cloning emulsify php emulsify.php "THEME NAME" (Run php emulsify.php -h for other available options)
4 - Move into your theme directory cd web/themes/custom/THEME_NAME/

First make sure you are login with root user I mean with sudo privelige
yarn install

If you get this issue : 
failed to extract the starterkit. easiest solution is to manually download it and copy ./dist

then sudo apt install bsdtar and then again yarn install

drush8 en THEME_NAME -y && drush8 en components unified_twig_ext -y

Atoms are fields, molecules are view modes, organisms are views themselves


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