Why Phyton:
There is some points to choose phyton,
1 - Free & open source: , It's high Level language2 - portable & extensible: (Write once run in any platform or windows) , extensivility means you can integrate the java , asp.net , C, C++ libraries component into the python
3 - Web development : Python has great frameworks to develop web like ( django,flask,pylons,web2py )
4 - Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning: AI is the next future development of tech world, Python fully support the AI program and features, AI provides some libraries which is helpful the develop this type of features. like below
- scikit learn (for complex calculations)
- keras & tensorflow ( for machine learning )
- opencv (for image/face recognition and hndwriting etc)
5- Computer Graphics : Python can develop the GUI, desktop application,game application , To do this type of applications , It has some libraries like below
- Tkinter ( for GUI)
- jython ( for python script seemless access to java)
- wxpython (open source for window application)
- pygame ( for game on android)
6- Testing frameworks : It Support testing cross plateform , cross browser , It has built in frameworks which covers debugging time and fastest workflow,
- splinter
- pytest
7- Big data : It can handle big data, parallel computing, libraries are
- hadoop
- pydoop
- dask
- pyspark
8- scripting automation: Python can work as a scripting language, With in a script you can perform multiple tasks, they are interprated rather than compile,
It executes the scripts machine read and interprets and check the error during run time.
9- Data science : Python is the leading language of many data scientist. It well suited for data manipulation and analysis. Deals with tabular data, arbitrary matrix data, observational statistical data,
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- seaborn
High level vs low level language : Computer Understand only the binary languages 0 , 1 , it's very
difficult to work on binary language, Then comes the concept of assembly language, also called the low level language, for exp,
mov a,b or add 5H etc ,
assembly language also need translator to do this type of operations,
After that comes the concept of High level language, High level language is much similar to spoken English, now days most of the languages are high level language like C, java,python etc
Python is interpreted language instead of compile language , It interpret the code during the run instead of compile before the execution. compiler first compile the whole code if there is any error it will through the error, while interprator interprat the code line by line during the run.
Some Basic Points of Phyton :
no semicolon at the end
variabale declare would be simple name without dollar
concatenate two string or variable by + or , insteed of . in php
comment code by #
\n (newline), \t (tabspace) ,''' or """ can print as it is
type function can return the data type of a variable, like str,int,float
a=b=c = 3 , i.e all have 3 value
a,b = 3,4 i.e a and b have 3 and 4 value value
get a part of string is by index value, like variable_name[0],for first char
name = 'dharmendra' print('dra' in name) , return true if find substr in the string
indentation is required, while creating class,function,loop etc
if age >= 18:
print("you are enough to vote")
elif age < 18:
print("you r child man")
number = "dharmendra singh"
for i in number
After that comes the concept of High level language, High level language is much similar to spoken English, now days most of the languages are high level language like C, java,python etc
Python is interpreted language instead of compile language , It interpret the code during the run instead of compile before the execution. compiler first compile the whole code if there is any error it will through the error, while interprator interprat the code line by line during the run.
Some Basic Points of Phyton :
no semicolon at the end
variabale declare would be simple name without dollar
concatenate two string or variable by + or , insteed of . in php
comment code by #
\n (newline), \t (tabspace) ,''' or """ can print as it is
type function can return the data type of a variable, like str,int,float
a=b=c = 3 , i.e all have 3 value
a,b = 3,4 i.e a and b have 3 and 4 value value
get a part of string is by index value, like variable_name[0],for first char
name = 'dharmendra' print('dra' in name) , return true if find substr in the string
indentation is required, while creating class,function,loop etc
if age >= 18:
print("you are enough to vote")
elif age < 18:
print("you r child man")
number = "dharmendra singh"
for i in number
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