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Naming Convention on drupal-8 module development,

Before going to start working on drupal 8, Today i will explain you the naming conventation of the drupal module development

 First Step:- to create a new folder for new D-8 module,

 sites/all/custom/{module_name} OR sites/all/modules/{module_name}

That is the standard way to create custom module and themes, now choose the name of the module , Always remember module machine name and module folder name both are different thing, and we can choose diffrent foldername rather than same module machine name, lets suppose, my module folder name is sites/all/custom/HelloWorld while my module machine name is hello_world, When we are going to choose the module machine name, there are some following rules to keep in mind, 1- module machine name always start with letters, 2- module machine name must contain only lower-case letters and underscores. 3- it should be unique , your module machine name may not have used in any module/theme or profile, 4- it may not have the some preserved keywords, like src,files.images,js,misc,drupal etc And don not use the upper case letters on module machine name,

When you create the drupal-8 module files the format would be like this, ( module_name means module machine name)
module_machine_name.permissions.yml  etc

Naming conventation of Drupal-8

1- Classes and interfaces should use UpperCamel( pascal Case) naming, like
          ->  in which several words are joined together, and the first letter of every  word is capitalized  but subsequent first letters are uppercase. 
like:   ThisIsAnExample

2- Methods and class properties should use lowerCamel naming: (are those
where the first letter of the entire word is lowercase, but subsequent first letters are uppercase.  like   thisIsAnExample  )

3- Classes should not use underscores in class names unless absolutely necessary to derive names inherited class names dynamically. That is quite rare, especially as Drupal does not mandate a class-file naming match.

4- Names should not include "Drupal".
5- Class names should not have "Class" in the name.
6- Interfaces should always have the suffix "Interface".

7- Protected or private properties and methods should not use an underscore prefix.


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