Install the latest version of Lando. navigate to directory & create a project directory. 1 - mkdir lando-d8 & cd lando-d8 2 - lando init (choose anything later we will change the config) One lando.yml file will be create in the directory change the config as below, name : lando - lightning recipe : drupal8 config : webroot : lightning/docroot tooling : blt : service : appserver cmd : /usr/bin/blt Can change the name, lando start lando composer create-project --no-interaction acquia/blt-project lightning cd lightning Follow the Document : After the drupal install & can login in drupal: Now the Basic Processudre is to deployment in git & acquia, Before you can either connect to your Git code repository or use SSH to sign in to your web server, you must have an SSH private/public key pairGenerate keys in system by following URL:
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